Our Services

Our team can create a brand that appeals to our client’s customers and gives their business a distinctive visual identity. With extensive experience in the leisure industry, our team knows what appeals to customers and how to reach them. Above all, we recognise the importance of creating a strong brand that speaks directly to customers and creates instant recognition.

Brand Guidelines

The aim is to create a 'brand bible' for our clients to help them to deliver a consistent message and effective tone of voice for their company.

Mission Statement

Let’s get everyone singing from the same hymn sheet with a clear message that will drive your business goals. An essential part of any business, a clear mission statement will ensure the whole team is pulling in the right direction for your customers.

Logo Design

From totally new designs to a logo refresh, our team helps clients ensure their logo truly reflects their business. Often the first thing a potential customer sees, it's vitally important to have a logo that represents your brand and business.

Print Marketing

From flyers to business cards, we can bring a client's brand to life in a huge range of print formats. Our design team has worked on everything from complex origami flyers to simple single-sided flyers.


From uniforms to event merchandise, we can help to promote a client’s brand in a number of ways. Get your brand out there with something different that' sure to catch your customer's eye.

Document Templates

We aim to keep our client's brand consistent throughout their company by setting up easy to use document templates that can be replicated time after time.

How We Can Help

Whether it’s a refresh of an existing look or creating a new brand from scratch, we have the skills and expertise to bring our client’s vision to fruition. Get in touch today to see how The Leisure Marketing People can help your business.